Pacific Union "All God's People," September 22, 2023 S7 E19


Each year from September 15 to October 15, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month.
During this month we take time to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American
champions who have inspired others to achieve success. The observation began in 1968 as Hispanic
Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded in 1988 by President Ronald Reagan
to cover a 30-day period. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.

In the Pacific Union, nearly one fourth of our total membership is Hispanic. We have 200 Hispanic
churches and companies, with nearly 50,000 members.

More about Hispanic Heritage Month

More about Hispanic Ministries at the Pacific Union Conference

September Recorder in Spanish

Debra Clements Brill, former vice president for ministries for the North American Division, passed to her rest on August 27 at her home in Jamaica, Virginia, after an extended illness. She was 71. With 33 years of denominational employment, Debra currently holds the record for longest-serving vice president of the NAD. She was the second woman to occupy a vice president position at the division.

Read the entire article about Debra Brill’s life and legacy at the NAD website

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention recognizes the entire month of September as National
Suicide Prevention Month—a time in which we rally the public to create awareness for this leading
cause of death, and inspire more and more people to learn how they can play a role in their
communities to help save lives.

Read more about suicide and suffering at these links:

National Suicide Prevention Week

Adventist Review article: Suicide and Suffering